Saturday, November 1, 2008

Soccer Season in Germany

Micah, Trevor, Andie and Carson our soccer kids! Trevor going after the ball. He was totally excited when he was able to kick it. He almost got a goal a few times. He is on the Blue Lightnings.

Andie was great this year. She just needed to be more aggressive. She was one of the best on her team. She was on the Green Dragons.
Carson was amazing! He is really getting the concept of playing positions on soccer. He is great at both offense and defense. His problem is he still played both since he was so fast and all over the field. He would be on defense and be up at the line doing offensive plays, then run down to the goal and defend it from the other team within seconds. His team loved him! He played for the Black Knights.
Micah is just dressed up to practice for next year. He will then be old enough to play. He can't wait as you can tell.
In all, it was a good season. The kids learned a lot and had fun.

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