Friday, February 20, 2009

Jeremy's Surgery!

Jeremy's surgery went really well!  He had it yesterday to get his polyp removed and his deviated septum fixed.  He got his tubes taken out of his ear and the doctor said that he didn't need new ones in now so he doesn't have tubes in his ears anymore.  The doctor came out to talk to me and let me know how big the polyp was and she told me it was a little bigger than a golf ball! I couldn't believe it...cuz we could only see a little part of it.  But they tested it and it was benign thank goodness! We're grateful that he got to have this surgery done finally!  He's feeling alot better today than he did yesterday.  He's keeping the pain medicine down and tolerating the pain better.  We're glad that Don and Kim could come out and we get to keep Kim around for a little while.  We love you all!

1 comment:

McKay Family said...

We are so glad you could get that taken care of Jeremy! You have waited so long to do it. Guess you just needed the sweetest wife to take care of you. Thanks Tammy! Take care & best wishes, Katie, James, & kidos