Saturday, July 3, 2010

Easton Arwell McKay

Yippee!  He's here!!!         8lbs. 6oz.     20 in.     A healthy, happy baby.

Easton was breach when I went to my last appointment.  He had been head down and dropped for over a week.  So it was a surprise to us all that he decided to be a gymnist and flip around.  The doctor sent me right over to labor and delivery for an ultrasound to confirm his position and an attempt to turn him.  The turning attempt was put off a few times for other mothers who were in more emergency situations.  By the time we were ready to try I was in labor.  The turning didn't go well when there was only 4 minutes between contractions.  Blood pressure and heart beat dropped so we headed to a c-section.  All went well, it just wasn't what I was planning on.  I had to be doubly dosed with the epidural to be numb which made the next day or two miserable.  That stuff just stays in my system and I couldn't get out of bed for what seemed like forever.  Thankfully much better today so I can enjoy being a mommy again!

1 comment:

Sherry said...

He's such a cute little guy, can't wait to meet him! Grandma Sherry